Steubenville San Diego: THIRST - Reflection

This was my second year at Steubenville and it was once again an incredible experience. It was a weekend of becoming closer with the people in my church and to be spiritually closer to God. It's always amazing to go through a spiritual journey with people who you love and love you back. I was able to relate to the theme this year, which was Thirst, because I've felt like I was thirsty for God and needed to be filled with his love.

The speakers would tell stories that would be entertaining and fulfilling at the same time. It was so inspirational to see so many people who were dedicated to God and wanted to become closer to him and Jesus. My favorite part was Adoration, we were given the opportunity to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I felt the Holy Spirit and wanted to become closer in every way for I could always feel it's presence. So, I believe that Steubenville is a great experience and that every child should go and feel everything that I felt.